Monday, August 6, 2007

5 weeks out till pro debut :)

Hi everybody, how you all doing??

will time is just flying by, I'm really stepping things up now, getting given earlier now to do cardio!!! (4:30am)
I was watching the German gran pix last night, i saw jay and Ron compete, was really impressed by my good friend lee Powell condition, his lower back was amazing!!! that DVD really got me fired up big time!!
Did shoulders and tri to day, and still very strong, and have good energy levels too, still a little soft in places but this week hoping for same changes, i hope lol
oh yeah forgot to say that troy boy will be doing the Spanish show on the 23rd Sept to, my good friend and guru Harold will also be competing, i so what him to do well he deserves a good placing.
Well gonna go now, back to work two more clients to train then it home for early night!!! up early again tomorrow

god bless everyone

trouble t roy :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does eveybody know that Troy's the best personal trainer in London? I can prove it!

Big Al