Hi everyone,
Well it is 5am and I cant sleep so what better way of starting my day with writing a Blog post.
12 weeks of dieting have already past and I must say that twelve weeks have flown on by.
I can honestly say now that the diet has hit me like a thunder blot and energy is starting to get low but having enthusiasm to write blogs really makes me feel good. If you have lots balance in your life while getting ready for a show it can be such a blessing.
If I can give anybody one tip while getting ready for a bodybuilding show is to keep busy and focus on other things or projects as this can keep your mind off the contest prep. I have found that by being busy in my other business I have found the whole process so much easier than in past contest preps.
Here is an example....I have been so busy putting together peoples training and nutrition plans that I have taken the focus of myself and focused on helping others. In my other business it is all about how Meghan and I can help the newest person become more successful. Now don't get me wrong it can sometimes get in the way of my workouts but I always schedule my training in my day timer first then I plan around my training all the other events and projects I need to get done.
One more amazing tip I can give everyone regardless if you are getting ready for a show is to plan your day the night before. Form a list of all the things you need to get done and make sure you complete the most important tasks first. I find this whole process so amazing and I recommend it to anyone. Getting things into better order is the great secret of life as Bob Proctor would say.
Try this too......If you feel low on the diet and need to be inspired just go to Youtube and watch some bodybuilding motivation video's. I like to watch Youtube video's of 50 Cent, Jay z, Sir Richard Branson, Will Smith etc to see what these guys do on daily basis and how they made it to the big time and what kind of life style they have, for me, I find this so inspiring.
Keep yourself in a good vibration everyday, especially while getting ready for a bodybuilding show. It can turn your whole day around.
Thanks for reading.
Have a super week and Think Big!
Troy Duracell Brown
PS To be coached and mentored by Troy, please send him an email at troyifbbpro@hotmail.co.uk and he will send you a questionnaire.
Troy is an inspiration! Keep focused and on being the best Troy Brown the world has ever seen. You are a champion Troy. Always have and always will be. God Bless. Mat Park
great blog Troy, amazing routine at Southerns!! look forward to seeing what you bring to the stage in Toronto,, very motivating to see your condition as I start my contest prep next week!
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