Hi everyone,
It is 5am and I can't sleep. The joys of dieting lol. I am 11 weeks out and I am still around 240lbs but getting leaner. Energy levels are really good but I sometimes hit a low especially when I am training clients at 6:30am.
The last three weeks I have not been doing any cardio but this week we have put the cardio back in. So I have been back on the Gauntlet right after weight training.
At twelve weeks out my Glutes were coming though which is a good sign and I am very happy about that. In past shows they come in the last three weeks.
I am still visualizing every day and now increased my meditation to twice per day. I find meditation just so amazing and I feel a big difference, I feel more calm and relaxed and I am not as snappy lol. Here is the link to the guided meditation I use. Check it out http://justexhale.ca/
I thought I would post my diet and show you guys what I am doing and you might even get some tips from it.
Here goes........
60 gr whey (ISOFLEX BY ALLMAX)
1 Shot of Vemma (mangosteen and minerals supplement)
12 egg whites
1 cup oats
280 gr chicken
1 pm (Pre workout)
60 gr whey (ISOFLEX BY ALLMAX)
1 cup oats
3: 30pm (Post workout)
60 gr whey (ISOFLEX BY ALLMAX)
5: 30pm
300 gr shrimp
1 cup rice or 454 gr potato
280 gr chicken
1 shot of Vemma (mangosteen and minerals supplement)
Nothing fancy just nice and simple and easy to follow.
I have have been getting lots of support from fans, family and friends and I am so grateful for all the messages I have been receiving. You guys really inspire me to keep going on my journey.
So thats it really not much else to add. Oh and by the way if you ever need any help with your training and nutrition just fire me up a email and I might be able to help.
Train hard everyone and see you next time.
--Earl Nightingal
PS If you would like to order Vemma and add it to your supplement needs then you can order it from http://meghanmccurdy.vemma.com/
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