Monday, November 23, 2009

Are You Doing Everything You Can In Order To In Sure Success

Hi everyone,

One thing that strikes me pretty much on a daily basis is, am I doing everything I possibly can in order to be the best bodybuilder I can be. This subject goes though my mind many times throughout the day.

The points I address to myself are:
. Am I going to the gym and making every workout count? I mean really count?
. Am I getting the food I need to be the a champion?
. Am I making the changes to my physique? Am I seeing changes?
. Am I looking after my body (my investment)?
. Is my desire and hunger for the sport still strong as ever?
. Do I give my body the rest it needs in order to grow?
. Am I giving back to the sport of bodybuilding? Do I help others?

All of theses thing come into my mind very frequently.

My main goal is always trying to be better and to keep growing as a person and keep making the improvements I need to be the best bodybuilder I can be.

When I go to the gym I have to really make that workout count. I see time and time again so many people not being focused in the gym. They spend way to much time talking instead they should be training and being more productive.

Looking back over the years over years I have always said to myself "Am I doing enough to be the athlete I want to be"?

When most bodybuilders go on stage and don't do as well as they should, they have to say to themselves did they do everything in there power the whole year round. Did they train hard enough, did they eat clean all year round, did they stay out of the bars and clubs, did they sacrifice enough?

When I had not such a good year competing I would blame the judges and say to myself that they got it wrong. Instead what I should have done is take a hard look at myself and ask myself if I did everything in my power to place better in that show? Did I do everything I could in order to be where I want to be?

Ponder this for a moment and say to yourself....Am I doing everything I possibly can right now to be where I want to be?

To the next level!!!

Troy Duracell Brown



Take your physique to the next level.
Be coached and mentored by one of the best!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Do Not Be Afraid To Take Time Off

Hi again everyone,

I just wanted to talk about the importance of taking time off from the gym and the rewards you can get from doing this.

Being around a lot of bodybuilders they always seem to be training day after day, week after week, and month after month. I will talk about the importance of training less frequetly but I can save that topic for another blog. These people never really take time off to let there minds and body heal.

If someone is training with the right intensity then they would need to take off from training every eight to ten weeks. Your muscles will grow when recuperating out of the gym. When you return back to the gym you will notice instantly that you will have so much more intensity but above all you will have more mental energy.

As you enter the second week back after taking time off you will notice your training will go to a whole new level. You will notice insane pumps in your muscles but don't just take my word for it, try it for yourself. If you've trained hard, I mean really hard then you deserve the break. You have earned it.

Until next time.............

Follow your bliss!!

Troy Duracell Brown :)